If you’re like many people, you know that stealing clothing from a retailer – whether it’s a store in the mall, a standalone shop or a kiosk – is against the law. But will happen to you if you’re caught? What are the penalties for stealing clothing in the state of Illinois? This guide explains….

If the state of Illinois accuses you of the crime of armed robbery, you could be in very serious trouble. In fact, you could end up going to prison for a very long time. For most people accused of armed robbery, the best thing to do is contact an experienced robbery defense attorney in Chicago….

If you’re like many people, you know that credit card fraud is a very common thing. And if you’ve used another person’s credit card number, stolen a credit card or purchased something with a card that doesn’t belong to you, you could be in serious legal trouble. This guide explains. Will You Go to Prison…

Property crimes are fairly common in Illinois, and the charges can result in misdemeanor or felony convictions, depending on the circumstances of your case. The 3 Most Common Property Crimes in Illinois – and What to Do if You’re Charged With One If you’re like most people, you know that property crimes are among the…

Chicago police are reporting an uptick in theft during the coronavirus pandemic – even as businesses are closing and people are closing themselves in their homes. If you’re one of the people accused of stealing something during the pandemic (or if you were accused of stealing something before people started closing businesses), you might want…

Shoplifting seems like such a minor offense, right? However, it’s a crime in Illinois – just like it is elsewhere in the U.S. But what is the penalty for shoplifting in Illinois? Will you go to prison? Here’s what you need to know. Related: Reading Into ILCS: Retail Theft What is the Penalty for Shoplifting…

If you’ve been accused of a crime, you may need a felony defense attorney in Chicago, Skokie or Rolling Meadows. For most people, that’s the smartest course of action. Working with an attorney can help ensure that you get the best possible outcome – and it’s a way to ensure someone is always there to…

If you’re charged with a Class 3 felony in Illinois (first offense), will you go to jail? Here’s what you need to know. Class 3 Felony in Illinois, First Offense: Will You Go to Jail? Class 3 felonies in Illinois – even if it’s your first offense – subject you to harsh penalties if you’re…

  Home invasion is different from burglary under Illinois law – and the penalties can be different, too. Here’s what you need to know. What Are the Differences Between Home Invasion and Burglary? The main differences between home invasion and burglary are whether someone is in the home at the time the crime occurs, whether…