If you’re convicted of a sex crime, you may be required to register as a sex offender in the state of Illinois. One of the most important things you can do if you’re accused of a sex offense – even if you’re innocent – is to get in touch with an attorney who understands the ins and outs of the Illinois laws that define sex offenders.
What Crimes Require People to Register as Sex Offenders?
In the state of Illinois, there are a number of sex offenses that, if convicted, will require a person to register as a sex offender. When you register, you’ll appear on the Illinois sex offender registry, which includes:
- Date of birth
- Weight
- Hair
- Sex
- Height
- Race
- Eye color
- Marks, scars and tattoos
- Admission, release and discharge information
- Sentencing information, including the name of the offense, the date of arrest and the sentence
Typically, any felony or misdemeanor conviction of a number of sex crimes will require you to register as a sex offender. Those crimes include:
- Aggravated child pornography
- Aggravated criminal sexual abuse
- Aggravated criminal sexual assault
- Child pornography
- Criminal sexual abuse
- Criminal sexual assault
- Custodial sexual misconduct
- Exploitation of a child
- Forcible detention (if the victim is under 18)
- Indecent solicitation of an adult
- Indecent solicitation of a child
- Juvenile pimping
- Keeping a place of juvenile prostitution
- Kidnapping (not parental kidnapping; if the offense was sexually motivated and the victim was under the age of 18)
- Permitting sexual abuse of a child
- Predatory criminal sexual assault of a child
- Public indecency for a third or subsequent conviction
- Ritualized abuse of a child
- Sexual exploitation of a child
- Soliciting for a juvenile prostitute
Further, attempts to commit any of these offenses can be grounds for requiring you to file as a sex offender in Chicago and the rest of Illinois.
If you’re considered a sexually dangerous person or a sexually violent person, you’ll also be required to register every 90 days for your entire life.
What to Do if You’re Accused of a Sex Crime in Chicago
If you’re accused of committing a sex crime in Chicago or the suburbs, even if you’re innocent, it may be in your best interest to get in touch with an Illinois sex crime lawyer who can help you.
Call us at 847-920-4540 or get in touch with us onlinefor a case evaluation today. The potential consequences of a conviction may be too severe for you to try defending yourself without an experienced lawyer by your side.
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