Hundreds of people are arrested across Chicago each year for suspected drunk driving.

Are they all guilty?

Of course not.

The truth is that police can give you a sobriety test if they think you appear to be intoxicated while behind the wheel. Unfortunately, not all sobriety tests are created equal – and even chemical breath tests, such as the Breathalyzer, are sometimes improperly calibrated or not working correctly.

What Are DUIs in Chicago?

In Chicago, as well as in the rest of the state, you can be found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol if your blood contains 0.08 percent alcohol concentration. It’s measured by blood-alcohol content, which is the ratio of alcohol in your system to blood or breath.

However, it’s important to note that according to the Secretary of State, you can even be convicted of DUI if your blood-alcohol content is as low as 0.05 percent if there is additional evidence that you were impaired at the time.

Zero Tolerance on DUIs for Minors

In the state of Illinois, if you’re under the age of 21, any amount of alcohol in your bloodstream can be grounds for conviction of DUI. There’s a “zero tolerance” policy here for minors.

Can You Refuse a Chemical Test?

In Illinois, we have what’s known as an implied consent law. That means when you drive, you’re giving law enforcement officers your consent to test you for alcohol if they feel it’s necessary.

You can refuse to take a chemical test in the state of Illinois, but you need to know that the first time you do so, you’ll face a 1-year license suspension. If you refuse a second time (during a separate offense), you’re facing 3 years without your license; each subsequent time is another three years. You’ll also be ordered to pay mandatory fines for your refusal.

Were You Pulled Over for DUI?

If you were pulled over for DUI, even if you weren’t drinking or you were under the legal limit, it may be in your best interest to talk to a Chicago DUI attorneywho understands Illinois law.

Call us at 847-920-4540 or get in touch with us online for a free case evaluation. The consequences of DUI are extremely serious, and we may be able to help you.

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