Is there a way to clear your criminal record in Chicago


If you’re like most people with a mistake or two in your past, you know what it’s like when that mistake comes back to haunt you. Unfortunately, a criminal background check can reveal all kinds of information you’d rather keep private. Even simple arrest records – those that didn’t result in any formal charges – will show up on your criminal record. Having anything on your criminal record can prevent you from getting a job, finding a decent place to live, or even getting credit, which can really make your life a lot harder.

But some people are eligible for criminal record expungement or sealing. Here’s what you need to know.

Is There a Way to Clear Your Criminal Record?

Through expungement or sealing, you may be able to get a completely fresh start. Expungement is a complete erasure of your criminal record, while sealing simply closes off the record so that only law enforcement, the courts and some employers (like those in the healthcare field) can see it.

Many people choose to hire an attorney for criminal record expungement and sealing. However, if you have cases in more than one county – or if you have several cases – hiring an attorney can be expensive. Typically, attorneys have to drop off expungement paperwork at each county’s courthouse, and preparing different paperwork for different counties is what lawyers consider “billable” time (which means you pay for it).

There’s a great alternative, though: DIY expungement and sealing. This solution is best for people who have multiple cases in two or more counties, as well as those who want to save money over hiring an attorney to complete and file paperwork.

What is DIY Expungement and Sealing?

No matter where your case is in Illinois, you can use DIY Expungement and Sealing from the Law Offices of Matt Fakhoury. You’ll get access to every form you need to ask the court to expunge or seal your record, as well as detailed, line-by-line instructions on how to fill them out (including video and written instructions). Even better, you get access to an attorney when you have case-specific questions.

Check it out at, where you’ll be able to preview everything you need to clear your criminal record and get a fresh start.