Can You Be Charged With Multiple Misdemeanors in Just One Case

If you’re like many people, you know that it’s possible to pick up multiple criminal charges stemming from just one incident. But how does that work in the criminal justice system? Can you be charged with multiple misdemeanors as part of the same case, and what will happen if you’re found guilty of some or all of the charges? This guide explains.

Can You Be Charged With Multiple Misdemeanors in One Case?

You can be charged with multiple misdemeanors in one case. For example, if you’re driving on a suspended license, commit retail theft, and knock down a security guard as you’re running away from the scene of the crime, that’s three misdemeanors right there. Make no mistake: the police will look for everything that you are doing wrong and document it all. That means you can get multiple misdemeanors stemming from one incident.

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What Happens With Separate Charges Stemming From One Case?

When you get separate criminal charges stemming from one case, they’re treated as individual crimes, because that’s what they are. You’ll be tried for each crime, and you may be found guilty of some and not guilty of others. Or, you may be found guilty of all of them or none of them.

The prosecutor in your case is responsible for proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you committed each crime you are accused of committing. For example, in the instance above, the prosecutor would be responsible for showing the court that you drove to the scene of the crime on a suspended license. They would also be required to prove that you committed retail theft and that you were the person who knocked down the security guard.

If the prosecutor can’t prove your guilt in one or more of the crimes, the court cannot find you guilty of that specific crime. however, it can find you guilty of the other crimes.

How Does Sentencing Work if You’re Found Guilty of More Than One Crime?

If you are found guilty of more than one crime, you will typically be sentenced for each one.

Related: Can you work as a nurse if you have a criminal history?

Do You Need to Talk to an Attorney?

If you’ve been accused of a crime, we may be able to help you – and don’t worry: It’s completely confidential. Call us at 847-920-4540 or fill out the form below to schedule your free, private consultation with an experienced and skilled Chicago criminal defense attorney now.

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