If you have a commercial driver’s license, what happens if you get a DUI in the state of Illinois? This guide explains.
Do You Lose Your CDL for DUI in Illinois?
You can lose your commercial driver’s license, or CDL, if the state of Illinois convicts you of driving under the influence. That’s true whether it’s your first offense, second offense or a subsequent offense. Here’s what you need to know:
- First offense: You may lose your CDL for up to a year
- Second offense: Your CDL can be suspended for 10 years or revoked entirely
Sometimes, judges allow CDL holders to get their licenses back after a 10-year suspension. However, that doesn’t apply in every case, and even in cases in which it does apply, the CDL holder must complete an alcohol awareness program before attempting to have their CDL reinstated.
Related: Need a DUI lawyer in Skokie?
What if You Were Driving Professionally at the Time of Your DUI Arrest?
You face enhanced penalties if you were driving professionally at the time of a DUI arrest. That means if you were driving your work vehicle using your CDL, you can get into even more trouble. Additionally, you need to know that CDL holders are held to a higher standard and face heightened penalties in any DUI case, even if you were driving your personal car at the time you were arrested. As a CDL holder, you are considered a professional driver, so the state of Illinois takes these types of DUIs very seriously.
What if CDL Holders Refuse a Breath or Blood Test?
As a CDL holder, you are not permitted to refuse a breath or blood test if you’re arrested for DUI. If you refuse to take one of these tests, you are in violation of the implied consent law in Illinois. That means your commercial driver’s license will automatically be suspended – and that may put you out of work.
Do You Need to Talk to an Attorney?
If you’ve been accused of a crime, we may be able to help you – and don’t worry: It’s completely confidential. Call us at 847-920-4540 or fill out the form below to schedule your free, private consultation with an experienced and skilled Chicago criminal defense attorney now.
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